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143 products found
SKU: 152739IS-DAP2-256-5000-C-X
iStorage diskAshur PRO2 256-bit 5TB USB 3.2 FIPS Level 3 certified, secure encrypted hard drive IS-DAP2-256-5000-C-X
- USB 3.1 Encrypted Portable Hard Drive
- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 (US) – Certified
- NLNCSA BSPA (NL) – Certified
- NATO Restricted level – Certified
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SKU: 155248IS-DT2-256-14000-C-G
iStorage diskAshur DT2 256-bit 14TB USB 3.1 secure encrypted desktop hard drive IS-DT2-256-14000-C-G
- USB 3.1 Portable Hardware Encrypted Desktop Drive
- NCSC CPA (UK) certified, FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (US) certified, NLNCSA BSPA (NL) certified and NATO Restricted Level certified.
- Common Criteria EAL4+ ready
- Real time military grade AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption
- PIN authentication (7-15-digit PIN)
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SKU: 173241IS-DT2-256-2000-C-X
iStorage diskAshur DT2 256-bit 2TB USB 3.1 FIPS Level 3 certified, secure encrypted desktop hard drive IS-DT2-256-2000-C-X
- USB 3.1 Encrypted Desktop Hard Drive
- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 (US) – Certified
- NCSC CPA (UK) – Certified
- NLNCSA BSPA (NL) – Certified
- NATO Restricted level – Certified
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SKU: 173247IS-DT2-256-12000-C-X
iStorage diskAshur DT2 256-bit 12TB USB 3.1 FIPS Level 3 certified, secure encrypted desktop hard drive IS-DT2-256-12000-C-X
- USB 3.1 Encrypted Desktop Hard Drive
- FIPS 140-2 Level 3 (US) – Certified
- NCSC CPA (UK) – Certified
- NLNCSA BSPA (NL) – Certified
- NATO Restricted level – Certified
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SKU: 213779IS-DT2-256-16000-C-G
iStorage diskAshur DT2 256-bit 16TB USB 3.1 secure encrypted desktop hard drive IS-DT2-256-16000-C-G
- USB 3.1 Portable Hardware Encrypted Desktop Drive
- NCSC CPA (UK) certified, FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (US) certified, NLNCSA BSPA (NL) certified and NATO Restricted Level certified.
- Common Criteria EAL4+ ready
- Real time military grade AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption
- PIN authentication (7-15-digit PIN)
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SKU: 222971IS-DA2-256-SSD-8000-B
iStorage diskAshur2 256-bit 8TB USB 3.1 secure encrypted solid-state drive - Black IS-DA2-256-SSD-8000-B
- USB 3.1 Portable Hardware Encrypted Solid-State Drive
- Common Criteria EAL4+ ready
- Real time military grade AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption
- PIN authentication (7-15-digit PIN)
- FIPS PUB 197 Validated Encryption Algorithm
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SKU: 222975IS-DAP2-256-SSD-8000-C-G
iStorage diskAshur PRO2 256-bit 8TB USB 3.1 secure encrypted solid-state drive IS-DAP2-256-SSD-8000-C-G
- USB 3.1 Portable Hardware Encrypted Solid-State Drive
- NCSC CPA (UK) certified, FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (US) certified, NLNCSA BSPA (NL) certified and NATO Restricted Level certified.
- Common Criteria EAL4+ ready
- Real time military grade AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption
- PIN authentication (7-15-digit PIN)
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SKU: 259649IS-DT2-256-18000-C-G
iStorage diskAshur DT2 256-bit 16TB USB 3.2 FIPS Level 3 certified, secure encrypted desktop hard drive
- USB 3.1 Portable Hardware Encrypted Desktop Drive
- NCSC CPA (UK) certified, FIPS 140-2 Level 2 (US) certified, NLNCSA BSPA (NL) certified and NATO Restricted Level certified
- Common Criteria EAL4+ ready
- Real time military grade AES-XTS 256-bit hardware encryption
- PIN authentication (7-15-digit PIN)
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SKU: 381073IS-DA3-256-500-B
iStorage diskAshur3 HDD 256-bit 500GB - Black
- iStorage
- IS-DA3-256-500-B
- 5060220254237
- Hard Drives
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SKU: 381074IS-DA3-256-1000-B
iStorage diskAshur3 HDD 256-bit 1TB - Black
- iStorage
- IS-DA3-256-1000-B
- 5060220254244
- Hard Drives
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SKU: 381075IS-DA3-256-2000-B
iStorage diskAshur3 HDD 256-bit 2TB - Black
- iStorage
- IS-DA3-256-2000-B
- 5060220254251
- Hard Drives
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SKU: 381076IS-DA3-256-4000-B
iStorage diskAshur3 HDD 256-bit 4TB - Black
- iStorage
- IS-DA3-256-4000-B
- 5060220254268
- Hard Drives
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SKU: 381077IS-DA3-256-5000-B
iStorage diskAshur3 HDD 256-bit 5TB - Black
- iStorage
- IS-DA3-256-5000-B
- 5060220254275
- Hard Drives
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SKU: 381083IS-DAP3-256-500-F
iStorage diskAshur PRO3 HDD 256-bit 500GB FIPS 140-3 Level 3
- iStorage
- IS-DAP3-256-500-F
- 5060220254671
- Hard Drives
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SKU: 381084IS-DAP3-256-1000-F
iStorage diskAshur PRO3 HDD 256-bit 1TB FIPS 140-3 Level 3
- iStorage
- IS-DAP3-256-1000-F
- 5060220254688
- Hard Drives
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