How to Screenshot on Chromebook
Upon the first look, a Chromebook looks identical to traditional laptops. However, once you actually invest in one and start using it on a regular basis, you will notice that it offers you an experience that is completely new and exciting.
Traditionally, laptops are either powered by a Windows OS or a Mac OS. The Chromebook however, runs on a Chrome Operating System (OS) –somewhat of a branch of Google Chrome. This is what makes it particularly unique and cutting edge in today’s day and age.
Naturally, when you buy a Chromebook, you will not be able to install any other type of operating system –be it windows or mac. By extension, you will also not be able to download any of their applications or software. This can seem like a limiting factor for most but there is a way around it; installing android applications and chrome extensions online, through the Play Store.
Chromebooks are also much cheaper than all other laptops that you will find on the market. They don’t have expensive hardware parts because most of their functionality is rooted in the use of the cloud and the internet. Thus, with a Chromebook, not only are you getting the same standard of services as a laptop but also faster operations and peak performance.
One common misunderstanding about Chromebooks is that they cannot operate without the presence of the internet of WiFi. The reality is, that they can. There are many applications, both Chrome and Android, that can be run and used when the device is offline. They will be just as efficient, fast and productive –they will even save your work and upload it onto the cloud when you regain connection.
Why should you opt for a Chromebook rather than a laptop?
Despite the fact that laptops may be considered the go-to, a Chromebook really stands out because of the following benefits it will extend to you:
- They have amazing battery life and can last for more than nine hours on one charge.
- It only takes 5-10 seconds to boot up.
- They are created to be durable and withstand external pressures.
- They are economical; you can get a decent Chromebook for between 200-500 pounds.
- Chromebooks always upload to the cloud so you always have a backup if needed.
- It is the easiest to update since the system updates itself every time is it switched off or on.
How can you take a screenshot on Chromebook?
Due to the fact that its inherent operating system is very different from traditional laptops, you will not be able to find the ‘Print Screen’ (Print Scr) button on the Chromebook. As such, you have to explore other avenues in order to take a screenshot. Here is how you can take yours in a matter of seconds:
- If you want to take a screenshot of the window that is currently open, just press
- and the CTRL button.
- If you want to take a screenshot of a partial window, then just press, the CTRL and SHIFT button.
- If you keep pressing the trackpad all the while dragging the cursor, you can select the area of the partial window you want to screenshot.
- Once you have taken these screenshots, click on the pop-up notification to see the saved screenshots.
- View them and copy them or annotate them through the options displayed at the bottom of the screen.

How can you Right Click?
Very common features that you may be used to on a traditional laptop will be performed differently on a Chromebook. Right click is one of these features. Here is how you can right-click on your Chromebook:
- Press the touchpad with both your fingers and select the right-click menu that pops up.
- Press the touchpad with two fingers and drag them up or down in order to scroll.
- If you want to drag an item from one place to another, hold the item by pressing the touchpad from one finger and using the other to drag. Release both when you have reached the place you want to drop.
- Press the touchpad with both fingers and swipe right or left to switch between open tabs.
How can you set up printers for your Chromebook?
Even though the world is moving away from the use of paper as digital technology makes advancements, some situations still arise when you have to use paper. As such, you will need to know how to use a printer through your Chromebook effectively. While traditionally, you would just download the software of the printer and then click print, with Chromebooks, you have to utilize Google Cloud Print or the Chrome Browser. They will allow your Chromebook to be connected to a printer.
Here is how:
For printers that are connected through the USB port…
- Open Google Chrome and sign in to your chrome account.
- Click on the ‘Menu’ button.
- Click on the ‘Settings’ button.
- Go to the search bar and type in ‘Cloud Print’.
- Click on the ‘Manage Cloud Print Devices’ button.
- Click on ‘Add Printers’ and add your printer to the list.
- Click on ‘Manage Your Printers’.
- Click on the name of the printer you are using from the options that appear on the left.
For printers that are connected through the cloud…
A Disclaimer: When you have a printer that is connected through the cloud, the instructions for setting it up depend on the make of the printer –each different from the other. However, the general steps are as follows:
- Complete all the 8 steps listed above.
- Click on the ‘Add a Could Ready Printer’ button on the left side of the Menu.
- Find the make of your printer and follow the instructions provided to set up your particular printer.
How can you print using Google Print?
In order to successfully print documents, images and the like, follow the steps below:
- Click on the ‘Menu’ button in the top right corner.
- Click on the ‘Choose Print’ button.
- Click on the ‘Change’ button.
- Choose the printer that you have connected your Chromebook to.
- Adjust the range, layout, orientation, margins and other specifications of your print document.
- Click on the ‘Print’ button.